Stephen M. Strader, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director
Department of Geography and the Environment
College of Liberal Arts and Science
Villanova University

Ph.D. in Geography, 2016, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
G.I.A. Certificate of Graduate Study in GIS, 2013, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
M.S. in Geography (Meteorology/Climatology/GIS Specialization), 2012, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
B.S. in Geography, 2006, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Graduate Program Director (Villanova University) - (2024-current)
Geography Program Director (Villanova University) - (2020-2024)
Associate Professor (Villanova University) - (2022-current)
Assistant Professor (Villanova University) - (2016-2022)
Instructor (NIU) - (2012-2014; 2015-2016)
Research Assistant (NIU) - Great Journeys Assistantship (2014-2015)
Graduate Assistant (NIU) - Summer Research Opportunities Program for Undergraduates (2012-2013)
Graduate Teaching Assistant (NIU) - Research and Artistry Grant (2010-2012)
GEV 1003 - Geography of Earth's Environment
GEV 1004 - Climate Change
GEV 1750 - Geo-Techniques
GEV 3502 - Earth's Weather Systems
GEV 3550 - Natural Hazards (Fall 2024)
GEV 3590 - Senior Research Seminar
GEV 3760 - Geospatial Applications in Environmental Science
GEV 4320 - Atmospheric Science
GEV 4700 - Geographic Information Systems
GEV 8310 - Communicating Science
GEV 8310 - sUAS/Drones
PUBLICATIONS: (Google Scholar; Research Gate)
Strader, S. M. and J. H. Deppman, 2025: Spatiotemporal Analyses of Lightning and Tornado Exposure to Large Outdoor Gatherings in the Conterminous United States, Weather, Climate, and Society. [In Press].
Strader, S. M., V. A. Gensini, W. S. Ashley, and A. N. Wagner, 2024: Changes in tornado risk and societal vulnerability leading to greater tornado impact potential. Nature Natural Hazards, 1, 20 [PDF].
Saba, J., C. Williams, M. Egnoto, S. M. Strader, K. Klockow-McClain, and K. Ash, 2024: Factors that Influenced Preferences Regarding Use of Public and Private Tornado Shelters During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 109, 104580 [PDF].
Ellis, K., J. First, S. M. Strader, N. Grondin, D. Burow, and Z. Medley, 2023: The Climatology, Vulnerability, and Public Perceptions Associated with Overlapping Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings in a Portion of the Southeast United States. Weather, Climate, and Society, 15(9), 943-961 [PDF].
First, J., K. Ellis, and S. M. Strader, 2022: Double Trouble: Examining Public Protective Decision-Making During Concurrent Tornado and Flash Flood Threats in the U.S. Southeast. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 8, 103297 [PDF]
Homet, K., P. Kremer, V. Smith, and S. M. Strader, 2022: Multi-Variable Assessment of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Planning across a City Landscape: Incorporating Social, Environmental, Built-Environment, and Maintenance Vulnerabilities. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, A. Haberlie, and K. Kaminski, 2022: Revisiting U.S. Nocturnal Tornado Vulnerability and its Influence on Tornado Impacts. Weather, Climate, and Society, 14(4), 1147–1163. [PDF]
Homet, K., P. Kremer, V. Smith, R. Ampomah, and S. M. Strader, 2022: Mapping Predicted Areas of Common Maintenance Impacts to Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8(3), 0502200. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., A. Haberlie, and A. Loitz, 2021: Assessment of NWS County Warning Area Tornado Risk, Exposure, and Vulnerability. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12(2), 189-209. [PDF]
S. M. Strader, D. Roueche, and B. David, 2020: Unpacking Tornado Disasters: Illustrating the Southeast U.S. Tornado-Mobile and Manufactured Housing Problem Using the March 3, 2019 Beauregard-Smith Station, Alabama Tornado Event. Natural Hazards Review, 22(1), 04020060-1-04020060-15. [PDF] + Figure Erratum
Childs, S., R. Schumacher, and S. M. Strader, 2020: Projecting End-of-Century Human Exposure from Tornadoes and Severe Hailstorms in Eastern Colorado: Meteorological and Population Perspectives. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12(3), 575-595. [PDF]; Nature Climate Change Research Highlight [Here]
Ash, K., M. Egnoto, S. M. Strader, W. Ashley, D. Roueche, K. Klockow-McClain, D. Caplen, and M. Dickerson, 2020: Structural Forces: Perception and Vulnerability Factors for Tornado Sheltering Within Mobile and Manufactured Housing in Alabama and Mississippi, USA. Weather, Climate, and Society, 6(12), 453-472. [PDF]; Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Paper of Note. [Here]
Strader, S. M., J. Rennie, and B. DePodwin, 2019: The AMS Board for Early Career Professionals: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon. 100(9), 1820-1822. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., K. Ash, E. Wagner, and C. Sherrod, 2019: Mobile home resident evacuation vulnerability and emergency medical service access during tornado events in the southeast United States. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 38, 101-210. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., and W. Ashley, 2018: Fine-scale assessment of mobile home tornado vulnerability in the Central and Southeast U.S. Weather, Climate, and Society. 10(4), 797-812. [PDF] Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Paper of Note. [Here]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, T. Pingel, and A. Krmenec, 2018: How land use alters the tornado disaster landscape. Applied Geography. 94, 18-29. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., 2018: Spatiotemporal Changes in conterminous U.S. wildfire risk and societal exposure from 1940 to 2010. Natural Hazards. 92(1), 543-565. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, T. Pingel, and A. Krmenec, 2017: Projected 21st century changes in tornado exposure, risk, and disaster potential. Climatic Change. 141(2), 301-313. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, T. Pingel, and A. Krmenec, 2017: Observed and projected changes in United States Tornado Exposure. Weather, Climate, and Society. 9, 109-123. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., T. Pingel, and W. Ashley, 2016: A Monte Carlo model for estimating tornado impacts. Meteorological Applications. 23(2), 269-289. [PDF]
Ashley, W. S., and S. M. Strader, 2016: Recipe for disaster: How the dynamic ingredients of risk and exposure are changing the tornado disaster landscape. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 97, 767-786. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., and W. S. Ashley, 2015: The expanding bull's eye effect. Weatherwise. 68, 23-29. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, and J. Walker, 2015: Changes in volcanic hazard exposure in the Northwest USA from 1940 to 2100. Natural Hazards. 77, 1365-1392. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., W. Ashley, A. Irizarry, and S. Hall, 2014: A climatology of tornado intensity assessments. Meteorological Applications. 22, 513-524. [PDF]
Ashley, W., S. M. Strader, D. Dziubla, and A. Haberlie, 2014: Driving blind: Weather-related vision hazards and fatal motor vehicle crashes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 96, 755-778. [PDF]
Ashley, W., S. M. Strader, T. Rosencrants, and A. J. Krmenec, 2014: Is the Expanding Bull's Eye Effect leading to greater and more frequent weather disasters? Paper of Note. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 95(4), 510-511. [PDF]
Strader, S. M., and W. Ashley, 2014: Cloud-to-ground lightning signatures of long-lived tornadic supercells on 27-28 April 2011. Physical Geography. 35, 273-296. [PDF]
Ashley, W., S. M. Strader, T. Rosencrants, and A. Krmenec, 2014: Spatiotemporal changes in tornado hazard exposure: The case of the expanding bull's eye effect in Chicago, IL. Weather, Climate, and Society. 6, 175-193. [PDF]
"StEER: Hurricane Ida Joint Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report-Early Access Reconnaissance Report (PVRR-EARR)". DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.org10.17603/ds2-w6km-fe51
"Event Briefing", in StEER - Hurricane Delta. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-y2gc-xj10.
"Event Briefing", in StEER - Hurricane Sally. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-n5ne-5169
"Hybrid Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report-Early Access Reconnaissance Report (PVRR-EARR)", in StEER - Hurricane Laura. DesignSafe-CI. https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-ng93-se16.
OTHER SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (Preprints/Books/Invited-OpEds/Other):
Strader, S. M., 2022: The Hurricane Problem Florida Could Have Avoided, CNN, Op-Ed. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/29/opinions/hurricane-ian-florida-population-strader
Strader, S. M., 2019: Over the Last Decade, the Climate Emergency Became Front-page News, Salon Op-Ed. https://www.salon.com/2019/12/21/over-the-last-decade-the-climate-emergency-became-front-page-news/
Strader, S. M., 2019: How We Create Our Own Hurricane Catastrophes, New York Times invited Op-Ed. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/30/opinion/florida-hurricane.html
Strader, S. M., 2018, This Map Shows How The Carolinas Became More Vulnerable to Hurricanes, New York Times invited Op-Ed, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/09/13/opinion/hurricane-florence-south-north-carolina.html
Strader, S. M., 2013: The Constitution for the Geography Graduate Committee of Northern Illinois University. Northern Illinois University, Department of Geography. 5 pp.
Strader, S. M., 2013: Geography 106: Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences Lab Manual. Northern Illinois University Bookstore. 115 pp.
Strader, S. M. and W. S. Ashley, 2012: Lightning Signatures of Long-lived Tornadic Supercells in the Southeastern U.S. on 27-28 April 2011. Preprints 26th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN. American Meteorological Society. 17 pp.
Strader, S. M., 2012: Lifecycles of long-lived tornadic supercells: Historic April 27, 2011 tornado outbreak. CaGIS map competition. [Map]
Strader, S. M. (Principal), J. Henderson (Co-Principal), A. Haberlie (Co-Principal), W. Ashley (Co-Principal), and M. Egnoto (Consultant). "Faster, Clearer, Stronger Communication and Action: Building IWT and Vulnerable Resident Connections to Improve Severe Weather Literacy and Outcomes" , Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Weather-Ready Nation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal, Awarded August 2021.
First, J., K. Ellis, and S. M. Strader (Co-Principal). "Tornado and flash flood (TORFF) warnings: Examining Climatology, Vulnerability, and Protective Decision-making During Dual Hazards with Opposing Safety Protocols", Natural Hazards Center (NHC), Special Call for Proposals: Weather-Ready Research, Awarded March 2021.
Ash, K. (Principal), S. Strader (Co-Principal), and M. Egnoto (Consultant). "Tornado Sheltering Perceptions and Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic" , National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal, Awarded March 2020.
Strader, S. M. (Principal), Ashley, W. S. (Co-Principal), Klockow-McClain, K. (Co-Principal). “Tornadoes and Mobile Homes: An Inter-science Approach to Reducing Vulnerabilities and Improving Capacities for the Southeast’s Most Susceptible Population”, The Verification of the Origins of Rotation Experiment in the Southeast U.S. (VORTEX-SE), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal, Awarded July 2017.